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Coconut - Classy and Chic
He who plants a coconut tree plants food and drink, vessels and clothing, a home for himself and a heritage for his children
-- South Seas saying
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Buy That, Make This
From the flat plains of South Canterbury comes Farmers Mill, a manufacturer of high quality flour, specialty grains, including gluten free options. Along with the flours, Farmers Mill have devised super premixes, for the family kitchen and the range includes bread and brioche. The latter, I gave a twist to and made this Apple Struesal Slice.

Slow and Sensational
When the cooler, darker nights arrive earlier in the day, it’s time to bring the Slow Cooker (Crock Pot) out from its summer hiding place and make life easy.

On Tour with Allyson Gofton
Launching my latest book, Recipes from my French Kitchen, has been a great deal of fun. We kicked off the launch back in our village at Caixon, with Chef , Gerard BOR and local identities including four talented Mater Chefs, several Mayors and Parliamentarians, all the artisans who feature in the book and a whole host of wonderful locals. Here’s link to the write up in the local paper La Depeche.
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Pavlova - As Kiwi As
Who can resist the crunchy crust and the soft gooey centre of a perfectly crafted pavlova topped with lashings of cream and striking red strawberries? But who owns the pavlova? Does the pavlova belong to the Australians or can we claim ownership?
Read on to uncover it’s pedigree and access my own favourite pavlova recipe.
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Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Song by Christina Rossetti
Mix a pancake,
Stir a pancake,
Pop it in the pan.
Fry the pancake,
Toss the pancake,
Catch it if you can.
What day is sometimes referred to as Pancake Day?
Read on to find out and share my Shrove Tuesday pancake recipe.
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Don't neglect breakfast
How often do you hear someone say, “Oh, I don't do breakfast” as if it was something to boast about?
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Comforting Casseroles
Stews and casseroles are ideal winter food; thick, rich, flavoursome, filling and warming. There's not much difference between the two – generally casseroles are cooked in the oven and stews done on the top of the stove.
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Home-style Takeaways
I happened to be looking for something totally different the other day when I came across details of the wartime food rationing regime in Britain during the World War II.
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A warming plate of soup
There are few better “comfort” foods than hot soup and even when one is unwell and not feeling like eating anything much, a plate of home made soup can titillate the appetite – as well as provide lots of nutrients to assist in recovery.
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Magical Mince
Coping with the seemingly weekly increases in food prices means that most households are going to have to shop, cook and live smarter to make each dollar stretch further.
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Pickled Onions
Following last month's feature about jams, I thought we'd look at pickled vegetables.
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