It's Pie Time

We’ve been familiar with pies since our childhood – Little Jack Horner in his corner pulling a plum out of his Christmas pie.

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The Roast Reigns

As Gail Woodward says in her book review column this month, it’s that time of year for warming and hearty roasts.

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Make the Most of Winter Vegetables

We are so lucky in this country to have a year-round range of fresh-as-fresh vegetables available.

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Kids in the Kitchen

School holidays are almost here again, and up and down the country will be heard the plaintive cry, “What can I do now?

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It's Girl Guide Biscuit Time

Girl Guides first started officially in Britain in 1910– a result of the sisters of the first Boy Scouts wanting to join in.

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Herbs in Season

Although these days we can obtain fresh or processed herbs most of the year round from the supermarket or vegetable shop, it’s so satisfying to be able to pop out in to the garden and pick your own.

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Lighter Christmas desserts

We’re still a bit inclined to think rich fruit pudding when we think about Christmas dinner, but hoeing in to a Plum Pudding with custard or brandy sauce when it’s a boiling hot – we hope – day after the turkey, ham and accompaniments of the meal, does seem a bit over the top sometimes!

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Looking ahead to Christmas

Christmas, like so many of our festivals, has its roots in pre-Christian times, but it has become one of the most important occasions in the Christian church – and just as important for different reasons in the secular part of our society.

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Dairy-free baking

I’m sure that those of you who regularly cater for family or friends with a dairy allergy have become really ingenious about your recipes, but for those of you struggling to think what to make, especially in the cake line, here are four tasty cakes made using mayonnaise.

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Come Clean About Your Diet

So, your diet isn’t working? It may be time to come clean about what you are actually doing versus what you think you are doing!

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Pasta - versatile and popular

Pasta is one of the most versatile ingredients in any cook’s armoury. It can be as simple and easy as spaghetti with oil, garlic and parmesan cheese, or dressed up to gourmet status in a wide range of dishes.

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Lovely Lamb Shanks

A friend was somewhat blown away on a recent visit to the United States, when she found on the menu of what purported to be a very upmarket restaurant, Pig’s Cheek, which she was in the habit of feeding to her dog!

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