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White Chocolate Cheesecake With Raspberry Couli

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White Chocolate Cheesecake With Raspberry Couli



  • 300 gram packet extra nice chocolate chip cookies
  • 70 gram packet hazelnuts, roasted and skinned
  • 100 grams butter, melted

White Chocolate Filling

  • 1 tblsp gelatine
  • ¼ cup cold water
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 250 grams crème fraîche
  • ¼ cup caster sugar
  • 1¼ cups cream
  • ¼ cup Greek-style yoghurt
  • 250 grams white chocolate

Raspberry Purée

  • 500 grams frozen raspberries, thawed
  • ¼ cup icing sugar
  • fresh berries and/or white chocolate curls to serve



  1. Place the chocolate chip cookies and roasted hazelnuts in a food processing bowl and process until lightly crushed. Pour in the melted butter and pulse to combine. Press into the base of a 23-cm baking-paper lined springform tin and refrigerate until required.


  1. In a bowl, sprinkle the gelatine over the water and leave to swell. Dissolve the gelatine by heating in the microwave for 15 seconds on high or stand the bowl over hot water. Set aside.
  2. Split the vanilla pod in half lengthways and scrape out the seeds; mix with the crème fraîche and sugar and beat well.
  3. Beat 1 cup of the cream until thickened, but not stiff. Fold into the crème fraîche mixture alternatively with the yoghurt.
  4. Grate half the white chocolate and fold into the crème fraîche mixture.
  5. Break the remaining chocolate into pieces and mix with the remaining cream and microwave on high power for 1 minute or until the chocolate has just melted. Stir until smooth.
  6. Gently stir the cooled melted chocolate into the crème fraîche mixture with the dissolved gelatine. Pour into the prepared springform tin and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight. Cut into wedges to serve and garnish with fresh berries and white chocolate curls. Accompany with raspberry purée.
  7. Raspberry Puree Put the raspberries though a mouli or process into a food processor and then sieve to make a smooth sauce. Sweeten to taste with icing sugar and chill until ready to serve.

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