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Salmon With Melon And Lemon Dressing

  • Serves 10
Salmon With Melon And Lemon Dressing

This salmon recipe is easy and makes an easy entrée or part of a alfresco summer lunch.


  • lemon scented olive oil (see Cook's Tip)
  • 1 honeydew melon
  • 750 gram piece smoked salmon
  • 2 tblsp chopped green peppercorns
  • white wine vinegar


  1. Cut the melon in half and deseed. Peel the skin away with a peeler and cut the flesh into thin slices.
  2. Arrange the salmon and melon over bitter lettuce greens. Scatter over the peppercorns. Drizzle with the lemon olive oil and a small dash of vinegar.

Cooks Tips

Lemon olive oil is available from good cook shops or delicatessens. Otherwise grate the rind from 4 very clean lemons and place in ½ cup olive oil and leave overnight or for up to a 2-3 days. Strain if wished.

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