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Roasted Gazpacho Soup

  • 4-5
Roasted Gazpacho Soup

Gazpacho is one of my favourite summer soups. Roasting the vegetables intensifies the naturally sweet flavours. Traditionally it is eaten icy cold but I prefer to serve it cool, at room temperature.


  • 1 small red onion, peeled and cut into 8 wedges
  • 6 large juicy ripe tomatoes, cut in half horizontally
  • 1 yellow pepper, seeded and cut into 4 strips
  • 1 red pepper, seeded and cut into 4 strips
  • 4-5 cloves garlic, skin on
  • 1 tblsp olive oil
  • ½ cucumber peeled and deseeded
  • 2 tblsp fresh basil
  • 2 cups tomato juice
  • 3 tblsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tblsp sherry vinegar
  • ½ small red onion, finely chopped
  • 5 cm piece cucumber, peeled, deseeded and finely chopped
  • 1 large ripe tomato, skinned seeded and chopped (see Cook’s Tip)
  • 1 tblsp fresh basil


  1. Arrange the red onion wedges, tomato halves, yellow and red pepper stips and garlic on a foil-lined baking tray. Brush with 1 tblsp oil and season with salt and pepper. Cook at 200°C for 20-25 minutes or until tender and the edges of the vegetables are just beginning to brown.
  2. Reserve 2 pepper strips for garnish. Remove garlic skins, then put the remaining roasted vegetables in a food processor with cucumber, basil and half the tomato juice and blend until smooth (you may have to do this in two batches if your processor bowl is small).
  3. Gradually stir in the remaining tomato juice and olive oil to give a soupy consistency. Season with sherry vinegar adding more salt and pepper as necessary. Cool or chill.
  4. Serve the soup sprinkled with the Salsa Garnish and garlicky croutons or grissini sticks.

Salsa Garnish

  1. Dice the reserve roasted pepper strips and combine with red onion, cucumber, tomato and basil.

Cooks Tips

- Place the tomato in a bowl and pour over boiling water. Lift out with a slotted spoon, the skin will peel away easily. Cut in half horizontally and squeeze out the seeds.

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