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Rich tomato prawns

  • 8
Rich tomato prawns


  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 300 grams green shelled prawns
  • 2 tablespoons dried tomato paste


  1. Crush and peel the garlic. Heat the oil in a frying pan and cook the garlic until the oil is fragrant. Discard the garlic.
  2. Add the prawns and toss them over a moderately high heat until they just turn pink. Set aside.
  3. Add the tomato paste and cook until it is reduced to one tablespoon. Stir the prawns back in and cook until the prawns are just cooked. Do not overcook them. Season with salt and pepper. Serve warm or cold as finger food.

Cooks Tips

- Dried tomato paste is made from dried tomatoes. If you do not have any, use 1 tablespoon plain tomato paste instead, but add flavours such as pepper and garlic and, if you have them, process up a few dried tomatoes and add them.

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