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Quick Thai chicken on citrus couscous

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Quick Thai chicken on citrus couscous

The fragrant flavours of Thailand are set off against orange-scented couscous in this summer vegetable salad.


  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh lemon grass
  • 1½ tablespoons red curry paste, Thai style
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup chopped fresh coriander
  • 2 double chicken breasts
  • 200 grams fresh baby carrots
  • 250 grams baby beetroot
  • 2 large juicy oranges
  • 1¼ cups boiling chicken stock
  • 1¼ cups couscous
  • ¼ cup each chopped mint and basil

Orange salsa and dressing

  • 2 red peppers, grilled
  • 1 cup vinaigrette
  • pieces of oranges


  1. In a food processor or blender, put the lemon grass, curry paste, oil, chopped coriander and salt and pepper and process until smooth. Smear the paste over the chicken on both sides. Cover and set aside overnight or for at least 4 hours.
  2. Cook the carrots and beetroot in separate saucepans until tender. Refresh in cold water and peel. Cut the beetroot in half and leave the carrots whole.
  3. Grate the rind from the oranges and set it aside for the couscous. Cut off the white pith and then cut the oranges into segments or dice. Set aside for the salsa.
  4. Bring the stock to the boil and pour it over the couscous. Set aside for about 15 minutes until the couscous has absorbed all the liquid. Fluff with a fork.
  5. Toss the couscous, orange rind, beetroot, carrots and mint and basil together in a bowl and dress with about three-quarters of a cup of the vinaigrette. Arrange on a serving platter.
  6. Roast the chicken in a 200ºC oven for 20 minutes or until just cooked. Allow to stand for about 5 minutes and then carve into slices.
  7. Arrange the slices on top of the couscous and then sprinkle the orange salsa over the top. Serve immediately.

Orange salsa and dressing

  1. Peel away the charred skin from the red peppers. Remove the seeds and dice the flesh finely. Toss the pepper with the orange pieces and then dress with the remaining quarter cup of vinaigrette.

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