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Port Nicholson frittata

  • 4-6
Port Nicholson frittata

Frittata can be made in advance and reheated before serving. It is quick to prepare and just great over the remaining summer months. Serve with green salads or other vegetable salads. It will make an ideal luncheon dish or a quick family meal on the weekend.


  • 1 large red pepper or 2 small ones
  • 2 medium sized potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 200 grams Port Nicholson cheese
  • 8 eggs
  • ¼ cup milk or cream
  • ¼ cup diced parsley and fresh dill, mixed


  1. Grill the red pepper under a fierce heat until well-blackened on all sides. Transfer to a plastic bag until cool. Peel away the charred skin and discard the core and seeds.
  2. Peel the potatoes and dice into 1cm dice. Peel and finely dice the onion.
  3. Heat the olive oil a large ovenproof frying pan and add the onion and potatoes. Cook over a moderate heat, tossing regularly, until the potatoes are just cooked.
  4. In a bowl mix together the 8 eggs with a good pinch of salt and the milk or cream. Finely slice pepper and add to the eggs with the parsley and dill. Mix the warm potatoes into the egg mixture, and return the pan to the heat.
  5. Pour half the mixture into the hot ovenproof pan and allow the egg to set around the edges. Sprinkle the dill and parsley over the top of the egg mixture. Slice the Port Nicholson cheese and cover the dill and parsley with it.
  6. When the mixture has become firm around the edges, pour the remaining half on top. Cook a further 3-4 minutes until the edges are beginning to set.
  7. Transfer to a 180ºC oven for abut 25 minutes until the frittata is golden brown and firm to touch. Cut into wedges and serve with blue cheese mayonnaise.


  1. Blend together 2 to 3 tablespoons blue chese with 1 cup of mayonnaise. Season well with pepper and add herbs such as oregano, dill or parsley.

Cooks Tips

Port Nicholson is made by Kapiti cheeses, if you do not have it, use Ahjette, Edam or even slices of Mozarella.

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