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Passionfruit creme brulee

  • 15 minutes
  • 40-45 minutes
  • 6
Passionfruit creme brulee

Yes I love over indulgent desserts and this is one of them. Don't be tempted to cut the calories and use milk or lite cream as the dessert will curdle from the acidity of the passionfruit. Use fresh or bottled passionfruit . And I have cheated with the topping. Creme Brulee should be sprinkled with sugar and grilled, but most domestic stoves do not have a hot enough or even enough grill, so I have coated the top with toffee, which makes a lovely crunchy texture opposite the smooth creme. And to add a touch of health to try and resurrect myself from being to over-indulgent, serve the Creme Brulee with fruit. I have used pears poached in red wine, but any fruit like apricots or peaches would also be fine. And don't forget canned fruits either they're easy and will go well here.


  • 6 passionfruit
  • 1½ cups whole or full cream milk
  • 1 cup cream
  • 5 egg yolks
  • ¾ cup caster sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 160ºC. Lightly grease 6x ½-cup capacity ramekins.
  2. Cut passionfruit in half. Scoop out the pulp and press through a sieve to extract the juice - about ¼ cup.
  3. Beat together the milk, cream, egg yolks, ¼ cup of caster sugar and passionfruit juice. Strain and pour into the prepared ramekins.
  4. Place in a water bath in a preheated oven and cook for 15-20 minutes until set. Remove from the oven and leave to stand in the water bath for 15 minutes before transferring to the refrigerator overnight.
  5. To serve, sprinkle the tops evenly and liberally with the remaining caster sugar. Grill under a very high heat to caramelise the sugar. Cool for 15 minutes before serving.

Cooks Tips

Great the next day too, but allow 30 minutes at room temperature before enjoying

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