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Parsley And Toasted Walnut Pesto

  • Makes 1 cup
Parsley And Toasted Walnut Pesto

Parsley’s flavour is unique and we often use it as a marker for other flavours. It is fresh, but becomes like boiled grass clippings if over cooked, so it is best added just before serving foods.


  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • 2 cups (about 150 grams) well packed parsley leaves and stalks
  • ½ cup chopped toasted walnuts
  • ¼ cup grated fresh Parmesan cheese
  • ½ green chilli, deseeded and sliced (optional)
  • ½ cup virgin or extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • pepper to season


  1. Put the garlic, parsley, walnuts, Parmesan cheese and chilli if using into a food processor and process until finely chopped.
  2. Gradually pour sufficient olive oil down the feed tube until the mixture forms a thick paste. Season with the salt and pepper to taste. Leave for 30 minutes before using to allow the flavours from the parsley to come through. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator and use with the week.

Cooks Tips

- Use half basil and parsley – you will still have delicious basil flavour with the freshness of parsley.

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