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Orange lanterns

  • 8-10
Orange lanterns

These wonderful lanterns are cooked inside orange shells and the moisture in the shells gives the cake a delicious chocolatey orange flavour and almost fudgy texture.


  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 8-10 medium oranges or tangelos
  • 100 grams butter
  • ½ cup caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • To decorate
  • a small amount of thick butter icing
  • 2 chocolate flake bars


  1. Sift together the flour and cocoa. Slice the top off each orange.
  2. Using a grapefruit knife or sharp paring knife, remove flesh and juice from each orange, scrape insides with a fork or spoon until all the orange flesh has been removed. Turn upside down to drain (reserve flesh and juice to use in Bat's Blood Soda).
  3. With a sharp knife, cut out triangles for eyes and nose and curved slit for the mouth on one side of the orange.
  4. Beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg thoroughly. Fold in the sifted flour and cocoa, to make a stiff mixture of cake consistency.
  5. Half fill each orange with chocolate cake mixture. Place on a baking sheet and cook at 190ºC for about 20 minutes or until well risen and when pressed lightly, springs back. Cool on a wire rack.
  6. Use a little leftover butter icing from the Spooky Face Cookies to pipe a small star in the centre of each lantern and top with a piece of chocolate flake for the handle.

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