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Mango Passionfruit Sorbet

  • Makes 1 litre
Mango Passionfruit Sorbet

Mangoes feature prominently on dessert menus throughout Asia and one way to enjoy their intense, sweet flavour is to transform them into a simple sorbet, adding passionfruit for a Kiwi twist.


  • 3 large ripe mangoes
  • juice 1 juicy lemon
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • seeds from 2 vanilla pods
  • pulp from 3-4 fresh passionfruit
  • 2 tblsp Grand Marnier or other orange liqueur


  1. Cut down the sides of the stone of each mango to separate cheeks from stone, then scoop the flesh into the blender. Add the lemon juice and process until very smooth.
  2. Stir sugar, boiling water and vanilla seeds together until sugar dissolves. Cool. Sieve if wished. Add to mango with the passionfruit pulp and blend well. Add liqueur and chill.
  3. When very cold, place mixture in an ice cream machine and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions. Alternatively, freeze mixture for 4 hours then stir well and freeze again. Break up sorbet mixture and place in a food processor while frozen, pulse to a smooth slush, then return to the freezer until required.

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