A refreshing finish to a spicy curry meal.
- 2x 400 gram can mango slices, drained
- 4 teaspoons gelatin
- ¼ cup Grand Marnier
- 4 eggs, separated
- ½ cup caster sugar
- grated rind of 2 oranges
- 1½ cups cream
- chopped pistachio nuts to garnish, optiional
- yoghurt to serve
- Put almost all the contents of both cans of mango pices into a food processor and process until smooth. The remaining few slices will be used for garnishing.
- Sprinkle gelatin over Grand Marnier and allow to swell. Dissolve over hot water, or by placing in the microwave for about 30 seconds on high.
- In a clean bowl, whisk egg yolks and half the sugar until thick and pale. Beat in orange rind and dissolved gelatin.
- In a clean bowl, beat egg whites with rest of sugar till thick and meringue-like.
- Lightly whip the cream.
- Fold mango puree into egg yolk mixture. Using a large holed spoon, fold a spoonful of meringue into the yolky mixture to make it about the same consistency as the egg whites, and then gradually fold in the egg whites and cream. (To blend two or more mixtures together smoothly, all the consistencies should be about the same. That way there will be no lumps or uneveness of texture).
- Transfer into eight individual serving dishes or one large 6-cup capacity dish.
- Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving. Garnish with finely chopped pistachio nuts and reserved mango slices. Serve with yoghurt.
Cooks Tips
- All gelatin dishes should be allowed at least four hours in the refrigerator to set. - Serve garnished with a little mango and some finely chopped pistachio nuts.
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