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Malaysian Fish Pancakes

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Malaysian Fish Pancakes

The pungent flavour of yellow bean paste in this recipe brings back vivid memories of trips through Asia. These fish pancakes are undoubtedly authentic in flavour and make an ideal meal to have with friends where casual food is ideal.


  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup rice flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 3/4 cup chilled water
  • 1 tblsp oil


  • 200 grams medium-textured fish fillet
  • 100 grams green shelled shrimps or prawns
  • 1 tblsp grated fresh ginger
  • 2 tsp minced fresh garlic
  • 1 potato, peeled and grated
  • 2 tblsp yellow bean paste
  • 1 carrot, peeled and grated
  • 4-5 spring onions, trimmed and finely shredded
  • 1/2 telegraph cucumber, deseeded and sliced finely
  • 1/2 cup bean sprouts
  • 1 red chilli, deseeded and chopped
  • 1/2 handfuls baby rocket, or spinach leaves
  • 1 tblsp soy sauce



  1. Sift the flour, rice flour and salt into a bowl and make a well in the center. Using a whisk or wooden spoon, stir in the beaten egg and sufficient chilled water to make a batter the thickness of pouring cream. Strain to remove any lumps. Cover and set aside for 30 minutes to allow the batter to rest.
  2. Heat a knob of butter in a 15-16 cm round frying pan and when hot pour in about ¼ cup batter, swirling the pan to ensure a light even coating of batter. Cook for about 1- ½ minutes and then flip the pancake to cook the other side. The pancakes should be lightly golden in places. Stack on a plate while cooking the remaining pancakes.


  1. Heat a dash oil in a frying pan and cook the fish fillet, turning once. Set aside. Add the shrimps or prawns , ginger, garlic and potato to the pan and toss over a moderate heat until the potato is just cooked. Do not over cook the potato or it will become more like mash.
  2. Stir in the bean paste and cook a further one minute. Remove from the heat and toss through the carrot, spring onion, cucumber, bean sprouts rocket and flaked fish. Mix gently.
  3. Take one pancake and place two to three large spoonfuls on top. Roll up tightly to secure to filling inside. Repeat with remaining mixture. Serve with soy sauce for dipping.

Cooks Tips

I preferred a sweeter soy sauce for dipping, though the lighter Japanese and Chinese styles are just fine. If the prawns are large, cut them lengthways in half.

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