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Hot winter berries with lavender honey

  • 4-6
Hot winter berries with lavender honey

The flavour of lavendar honey poured over hot strawberries and raspberries and topped with a little cream is a true delight in winter. Have it on the spur of the moment. It can be prepared quickly after the main meal, and if you don't have lavender honey, use any runny honey.


  • 500 gram bag free-flow frozen strawberries
  • 500 gram packet free-flow frozen raspberries
  • 4 teaspoons cornflour
  • a little water or orange juice
  • lavender honey


  1. Place the frozen strawberries in a wide microwave-proof bowl. Microwave on high power for 3 minutes. Sprinkle over the raspberries and microwave for a further 2 minutes.
  2. Transfer to a frying pan and heat gently. Once the berries defrost and the juice is running, mix the cornflour to a paste with the water or juice and stir in. Swirl gently to allow the berries to thicken.
  3. Serve hot in heat-proof bowls with lavendar honey and a dollop of whipped cream or vanilla ice cream and a macaroon biscuit or thin shortbread.

Cooks Tips

- You can defrost the berries in the frying pan instead of the microwave so long as you do it gently on a low heat so the berries defrost without scorching. I have not added any sugar to the fruit because the honey supplies sufficient sweetness.

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