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Herb And Sherry Albondigas

  • 5-6
Herb And Sherry Albondigas

It sounds so much more exciting than Meatballs! But herb seasoned meatballs are everywhere to be found in Spain. They make a substanial tapa.


  • 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
  • 750 grams minced pork or lamb
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp each minced ginger and garlic
  • 2 tblsp each chopped coriander, parsley
  • 1 tblsp each chopped thyme, marjoram and basil
  • 1 tsp each salt and pepper
  • flour or cornmeal for rolling
  • 1 cup stock
  • ½ cup dry sherry
  • 1-2 tomatoes, peeled deseeded and diced
  • 1-2 saffron threads


  1. Cook the onion in a dash of oil or knob of butter until very soft but not brown. Cool.
  2. In a bowl mix together the cooled onion, minced pork or lamb, egg, ginger, garlic, herbs, salt and pepper. If adding flavour variations add these now, see below.
  3. Shape into meatballs about the size of a large walnut and roll lightly in flour or fine cornmeal.
  4. Heat 2-3 tblsp oil in a lidded frying pan and brown the meatballs over a high heat. Add the stock, sherry and diced tomatoes and saffron if using. Cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes until the meatballs are tender.
  5. Serve the meatballs in a large dish, sprinkled with parsley, flaked almonds if wished and accompanied with bread slices or Saffron Rice.

Cooks Tips

Variations: - Add 1-2 finely diced rashers of bacon. - Add ¼ cup chopped stuffed green olives. - Add a few chopped anchovies. - Add finely diced, grilled and peeled red pepper. - Add 1 teaspoon ground cumin and/or paprika. - Herbs, lots of them, are essential to flavour meatballs. If you do not have them fresh, use dried herbs but add only one third to half the amount of fresh.

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