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Feta with fresh herbs in filo

Feta with fresh herbs in filo

These morsels are great for having with drinks at picnics. Fresh mint brings the feta cheese to life. You could add about a quarter cup of chopped walnuts or pinenuts as well. Some feta cheese are much saltier than others, so use whichever brand you prefer.


  • 375 grams feta cheese
  • ½ cup grated parmesan cheese
  • ¼ cup each chopped fresh mint and parsley
  • 1 egg
  • 1 packet filo pastry
  • 150 grams butter


  1. Break the feta into large pieces and place in a food processor with the parmesan cheese and herbs. Pulse to chop finely.
  2. Add the egg and puse to mix. Season with pepper.
  3. Take one sheet of pastry and brush it with melted butter. Fold the strip into thirds lengthwise so there are three layers. Place a heaped teaspoons of the cheese filling on the top corner of the strip.
  4. Fold the top corner of the pastry strip where the filling is, to form a triangle. Then, taking the top of the corner each time, keep folding the pastry down the length of the strip until all the filo is used and you have a neat triangle shape. Place on a greased baking tray and brush with butter. Repeat with the remaining ingredients.
  5. Bake at 190ºC for 20 minutes until golden and hot.

Cooks Tips

- You can make these and freeze on the tray before baking. Allow 2 hours to defrost and bake as above. Make a few extra and keep them for unexpected guests.

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