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Egg & Bacon Pie

  • 40 minutes
  • 4-5
Egg & Bacon Pie

Grab a packet of your favourite salad mix picking one with a little rocket as the peppery spicy flavours go well with the egg and bacon pie. Dress simply with a dash of oil and a little lemon juice and a few shavings of cheese such as aged cheddar, parmesan or gouda. If you have chives on hand a few added to the salad will enhance the finished meal.


  • 400 gram packet puff pastry
  • 6-8 eggs
  • 4-5 rashers of finely chopped bacon
  • pepper and fresh parsley to season
  • 1 tblsp milk


  1. Cut the defrosted puff pastry into 2/3rds and 1/3rd pieces. Roll out the larger portion on a floured board and use to line a 20cm shallow sided paper-lined cake tin.
  2. Break eggs into the centre and top with bacon rashers. Season well with pepper and a handful of fresh parsley.
  3. Brush the edges of the pastry with milk. Roll out the smaller piece of pastry and roll over the top of the eggs and bacon and press the edges together firmly. Brush with milk to glaze and decorate with any pastry scraps. Fan bake at 200ÂșC for 30 minutes or until the pie is firm in the centre and the pastry is golden.

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