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Chermoula braised lamb with orange

  • 30 minutes, marinating time preferably overnight, 20 minutes minimum
  • in the slow cooker low 6-8 hours, high 3-5 hours
  • 8
Chermoula braised lamb with orange

Morocco is the home of chermoula spice mix. It is a sweet and not-too-hot blend of spices that partners particularly well with lamb, whether the meat is to be slow cooked or chargrilled. Chermoula mixes are available in boutique food stores, but making your own is simple and the flavours tend to be fresher as a result.


  • 1 kilogram boneless lean lamb for casseroling
  • 4 tablespoons chermoula spice mix (see recipe on the website)
  • pared rind and juice one orange
  • ¼ cup olive oil, vrigin olive is nice here
  • 3 parsnips, peeled
  • 8-10 baby onions or large shallots, peeled
  • 2 tablespoons quince paste
  • ½ cup raisins, optional
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 cup chicken or beef stock
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 2 oranges
  • ½ cup black olives, optional


  1. Cut the lamb into large 4-cm sized pieces and place in a resealable bag. Sprinkle in the chermoula spice mix, orange rind and juice and olive oil. Seal the bag and massage to mix well, ensuring all the lamb pieces are coated. Refrigerate overnight if possible. Otherwise, leave at room temperature for 20 minutes to marinate.
  2. Turn the slow cooker on to low to pre-warm while gathering and preparing the remaining ingredients. Cut the parsnips into chunky pieces. If the baby onions are large, then cut in half.
  3. Heat a good dash of oil in a frying-pan and, when hot, brown the lamb in batches, making sure it is well browned but the spices are not being burnt.
  4. Into the slow cooker put the lamb, any reserved marinade, parsnips, onions or shallots, quince paste and raisins if using. In a jug, mix together the flour, stock and garlic and, when smooth and lump free, pour over the meat and vegetables. Stir to mix the ingredients in the liquid as well as possible. Cover with the lid.
  5. Cook on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 3-5 hours, or until the lamb and vegetables are tender. Grate the rind from the second measure of oranges and use for the couscous. Use a small, sharp knife to trim away the bitter white pith. Cut the oranges into thin slices. Add the orange slices, and olives if using, to the braise and stir gently to mix. Serve garnished with mint leaves if wished and accompanied with the cinnamon and orange couscous and your favourite vegetables.

Cooks Tips

Variation - Blanch 250 grams of broad beans in boiling water for 1 minute. Refresh in cold water, drain and peel to reveal peridot-jewel like beans and stir in to the chermoula braise before serving.

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