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Caramel shortbread

  • 15 minutes
  • 35-40 minutes
  • Makes 24-30 pieces
Caramel shortbread

Brown sugar brings a caramel-like flavour to shortbread.


  • 250 grams butter
  • ½ cup firmly packed soft brown sugar
  • 1¾ cups flour, sifted
  • ½ cup cornflour, sifted


  1. Preheat the oven to 160ºC. Lightly grease 1-2 baking trays or line with baking paper.
  2. In a medium-sized bowl, beat the butter and sugar together until pale and well whipped in texture.
  3. Work the flours into the creamed mixture. Do not over-process. Turn the mixture out onto a floured surface and bring together.
  4. Roll the dough out to 1cm thickness and cut into squares or rounds. Place on the prepared baking tray. Mark with the tines of a fork.
  5. Bake in the preheated oven for 35-40 minutes until firm to the touch.
  6. Allow to cool on the tray for 10 minutes before transferring to a cake rack to cool. Store in an airtight container.

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