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Braised oxtail pie

  • 20 minutes (for pie only)
  • 25 minutes
  • 6-8
Braised oxtail pie


  • 1x quantity of Braised Oxtail, cold (see recipe on this website)
  • 400 gram block frozen flaky puff pastry, defrosted
  • egg wash or milk to glaze


  1. Pull the meat from the bones, return to the sauce and transfer to a large pie dish fitted with a pie funnel.
  2. On a lightly floured bench, roll the pastry out to 3mm thickenss. Cut a 1-1.5cm strip long enough to be placed on to the edge of the pie dish. Brush the edge of the pie dish with water and press the pastry strip firmly onto the edge. Brush the pastry edge with milk or egg wash.
  3. Roll the larger piece of pastry over the top and press firmly on to the pastry strip. Trim the edge and press firmly together. Use leftover to decorate the pie if wished.
  4. Brush the pie with egg wash or milk to glaze. Chill the pie for 30 minutes while preheating the oven. Preheat the oven to 220ÂșC fan bake.
  5. Bake the pie in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes or until the pastry is well risen and golden and the pie bubbling hot.
  6. Serve with your favourite vegetables.

Cooks Tips

- If the filling is hot when the pastry is put on, the pastry will go soggy and be unable to cook or rise correctly.

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