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Blueberry and peach croustade

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Blueberry and peach croustade

This is simple to make and there are variations. The secret is to cook the filo at a medium/hot temprature for a good length of time so it cooks through. All too often, filo is cooked too high and too quickly - it looks great, but it's soggy when cut.


  • 275 grams filo pastry (about 16 sheets)
  • ½ cup melted, unsalted butter
  • 2 cups blueberries
  • 410 gram can peaches
  • sugar to sweeten
  • 1 teaspoon ground cardamom or ginger
  • approximately ¼ cup ground almonds


  1. Grease the base and sides of a 24cm loose-bottom flan dish.
  2. Take one sheet of filo pastry and brush with butter. Sprinkle over a little ground almond and top with a second sheet of filo. Place the sandwiched sheets on top of the flan tin, but to one side.
  3. Brush a second sheet of filo with butter, sprinkle with almonds and top with a sheet of filo. Place on top of the flan tin and existing filo, but a little further to one side, so that you begin to cover the base and all the sides with filo overhanging. Repeat this step a further three times, so that you have ten sheets of filo (five sandwiched sheets) on top of the base.
  4. Spread the peaches over the base of the flan and then sprinkle over the blueberries. Sprinkle over the sugar and ground cardamom or ginger.
  5. Flip the overhanging edges of the filo on top of the filling. Brush the remaining filo sheets individually with the butter and scrunch lightly together and place on top of the pie. This will give you a fully covered pie top. Drizzle over any remaining butter.
  6. Bake at 180º for 40-45 minutes or until the pastry is golden and crispy and the pie hot. Serve dusted with icing sugar and cut into wedges. Accompany with whipped cream.

Cooks Tips

Variations - You can use any brand of peaches, just drain off the juice and mash roughly with a fork, potato masher or food processor. - If you use frozen fruit, your pie will have more juice. Personally, I prefer fresh fruit as the pastry can become soggy from the excess juice.

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