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Beef stroganoff on fettucine

  • 4
Beef stroganoff on fettucine


  • 500 grams fillet steak
  • about 50 grams butter for pan-frying
  • 4 shallots or ½ large onion, peeled and sliced or diced
  • 150-200 grams mushrooms, sliced, optional
  • 3-4 tablespoons brandy
  • 1 cup cream
  • 3-4 gherkins, finely sliced
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • fettucine for 4 to accompany
  • chopped parsley


  1. Cut the fillet steak into thin strips, about half the thickness of your index finger.
  2. Heat the butter in a frying pan and quickly brown the meat. This is best done in 2-3 batches. Set aside.
  3. Add the shallots or onion and mushrooms, if using, to the pan and quickly cook until softened. Add the brandy and simmer until reduced by half. Pour in the cream and simmer until reduced by half (about 2-3 mintues).
  4. Return the beef to the pan with the gherkins and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Serve over tender, well-cooked pasta such as fettucine and garnish with plenty of chopped parsley.

Cooks Tips

- If you cannot use fillet steak, try sliced scotch, rump or sliced schnitzel. - Butter provides a better flavour for stroganoff than oil. - Be careful when adding the brandy. It can flambe unexpectedly on you.

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