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Aubergine And Tortellini Salad

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Aubergine And Tortellini Salad


  • ½ aubergine
  • olive oil
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 small red onion
  • ½ punnet cherry tomatoes
  • several handfuls of baby spinach
  • 12 olives
  • a few capers
  • shredded or torn basil
  • ¼ cup of your favourite vinaigrette
  • 300 gram bag tortellini


  1. Slice aubergine into 1cm slices and brush liberally with olive oil. Pan-fry or grill until well cooked. Cut into large dice.
  2. Chop red pepper and slice red onion. Halve cherry tomatoes and toss the vegetables with several handfuls of baby spinach, olives, capers and some basil. Season with vinaigrette.
  3. Cook tortellini in boiling salted water until the pasta is al dente. Drain well and toss through the salad. Serve warm.

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