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Apple Tarts With Blueberry Sauce And Honey Cream

Apple Tarts With Blueberry Sauce And Honey Cream

Simplicity is the key to these delicate apple tarts. They are best served piping hot.


  • 2 sheets pre-rolled puff pastry, defrosted
  • 2 apples
  • approximately 2 tablespoons caster sugar
  • apricot jam to glaze
  • icing sugar to garnish

Blueberry sauce

  • 2 cups frozen blueberries
  • icing sugar

Honey cream

  • cream
  • honey


  1. Roll the two sheets of puff pastry together to form a square, about 27cm in diameter.
  2. Cut four circles, 12.5 cm each, out of the pastry. Place on a lightly greased baking tray.
  3. Wash and core the apple and cut in half. Slice thinly and arrange quarter of the apple slices on each pastry circle, overlapping as you go and leaving a 5mm edge of pastry uncovered.
  4. Sprinkle the slices and pastry edge liberally with caster sugar. Place into a 240°C oven then lower immediately to 220 degC and bake for 15 minutes. Serve hot.

Blueberry Sauce

  1. Take 2 cups frozen blueberries, defrost in the microwave, puree in the food processor and sieve. Sweeten as wished with icing sugar.

Honey Cream

  1. Sweeten whipped cream with your favourite honey.

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