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Apple and passionfruit strudel

  • 20 minutes
  • 40-45 minutes
  • 4-6
Apple and passionfruit strudel

Browning the butter before brushing it on to the filo brings out a warm nutty flavour to this fresh-tasting strudel.


  • 100 grams butter, melted
  • 4 apples, peeled, cored and finely sliced
  • pulp 2-3 passionfruit
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 8-10 sheets filo pastry
  • ½ cup ground almonds or fresh white breadcrumbs
  • Cheat's custard cream
  • 1 cup pre-made custard
  • ½ cup cream or milk


  1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC and set the rack in the centre.
  2. Cook the butter in a saucepan until it has become a deep nut-brown colour but is not burnt. Remove from the heat and set aside on a damp cloth to arrest any further cooking.
  3. Toss the apples and passionfruit with the sugar and lemon juice.
  4. Take one sheet of filo pastry, brush with a little of the melted butter and place a second sheet on top. Brush with butter and sprinkle over one tablespoon of the almonds or breadcrumbs. Repeat this process with the remaining filo, butter and almonds or crumbs.
  5. Arrange the apples mix lengthwise down the filo. Gold over the short edges and roll up to completely secure the filling. Place the strudel on a greased tray, seam side down. Brush liberally with the remaining nut-brown butter.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes until the filo is golden and the apples are cooked. Serve hot or warm with Cheat's Custard Cream.
  7. Cheat's Custard Cream
  8. Mix the pre-made custard with the cream or milk.

Cooks Tips

You can use pears in place of apples, but choose ripe firm pears.

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