Jeni’s Fabulous Fat Quiz – how do you rate?
Grab a pencil and take this quick nutrition quiz to see how your knowledge of fats in the diet could be impacting your health.Answer true or false.
- Some foods contain good cholesterol and some foods contain bad cholesterol
| True or False?
- Fat is kilojoule/ calorie rich, so avoiding all fats is advisable because of the obesity threat
| T / F |
- Fat does not contain essential nutrients
| T / F |
- Saturated fats have more calories/kilojoules than unsaturated fats
| T / F |
- Cholesterol actually has a high kilojoule/calorie content
| T / F |
- All foods that are low in cholesterol are also low in saturated fat
| T / F |
- All fats are harmful to heart health
| T / F |
- Omega 3 fat can only be found in fish oils or by eating oily fish
| T / F |
- As cholesterol levels can be hereditary, diet and lifestyle changes won’t help
| T / F |
Add up how many times you answered true to work out how you rate.
Number true is ____
If you answered true:
7-9 times Opps - an overhaul is required!
4-6 times Ok, room to improve
1-3 times Excellent, good work!
None You’re a genius – well done!
All of the answers are in fact, FALSE.If you answered any true, then it’s possible that your knowledge of fats could be impacting your health.
Answers below:
- Good and bad cholesterol are carriers in the blood and do not exist in food (this is dietary cholesterol and only occurs in animal foods)
- Although fat is kilojoule/ calorie rich, it is an essential nutrient.The key is to cut back rather than cut out and change to healthier types of fat.Cutting back will also help with controlling body weight and reducing the chance of becoming obese.
- Fat contains essential nutrients such as fat soluble vitamins (A,D, E, K) and essential fats (omega 3 and omega 6).
- All fats contain the same amount of calories/kilojoules at9kcal/38kJ per gram
- Cholesterol actually has no energy (calorie/kilojoule) content
- Not all foods that are low in cholesterol are also low in saturated fat.Coconut cream is high in saturated fat and contains no cholesterol!
- The essential fats are beneficial to heart health
- Omega 3 fat can also be found in spreads and nuts such as walnuts
- Although cholesterol levels can be hereditary, diet and lifestyle changes do make an impact on lowering levels in the blood.
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