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Christmas Cranberry And Chocolate Mince Tarts

  • Makes 4x 350 grams fruit mince (2 jars needed for
Christmas Cranberry And Chocolate Mince Tarts

This year why not try my rather decadent cranberry and chocolate mince tarts? They are espeically nice when made in petite-sized muffin tins. The mince mixture is best made 1-3 months in advance.


  • 500 grams (about 3) apples, peeled and coarsely grated
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 1 cup Shreddo
  • 1½ cups dried cranberries
  • 1½ cups currants
  • 1½ cups raisins, preferably chopped
  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • ½ cup slivered or flaked almonds
  • 4 tblsp brandy
  • grated rind and juice one orange
  • 1 tsp mixed spice


  1. In a bowl mix together the grated apples, brown sugar, Shreddo, dried fruits, chocolate chips, flaked almonds, Brandy, orange rind and juice and spice.
  2. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and leave for 24 hours, turning occasionally.
  3. To keep, pack firmly into sterilized jars and cover with an airtight seal, such as lid, melted wax and preserving lids. Keep airtight in a cool , dark cupboard. This is best made 1-3 months prior to Christmas baking. If made in an airtight container, the mince will keep for 6 months.
  4. To make into tarts, roll out the chocolate pastry (see Rich Short Chocolate Pastry on my website) and use to line 24 mini tartlet or muffin tins. Fill with the mince mixture and bake at 190ºC for 20 minutes. Dust with icing sugar.

Cooks Tips

- If you do not have Shreddor, use 125 grams grated butter.

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